4x4 Cube
6-Color Sequences

These two sequences each fix four misplaced edge facelets on the front and back faces, use when at least three facelets match the setup. The centers are not shown here because they are solved after the edges, however, if they are already solved then minor modifications to these sequences will preserve them as shown here.

These can be solved by doing both of the above two sequences in either order. One of the sequences is shown on each cube below (press play), the result is the starting configuration for the other sequence.

Same idea here but with two different color pairs, first the orange & red misplaced facelets must be moved to the proper positions to make the above starting configuration (moves 1-3). The first sequence is applied (4-6) then the inverse of the first three moves (7-9) makes the configuration for the second sequence. The second sequence (10-14) then completes the solve. For cases like this where two facelets must be moved to the proper locations to make the setup, the two sequences must be done in the order shown, reversing the order does not work as it did in the above case. The two misplaced facelets on the top and bottom faces can be anywhere (do not have to exactly match this configuration) just twist the top and bottom faces so that the two misplaced facelets are on the left as the first two moves.

The sequence can also be used to move a pair of misplaced facelets to a different pair of opposite faces. Press play to see how to move the white & yellow misplaced facelets to the orange & red faces. There is a quarter-twist of the left face before & after the sequence. The result is the above starting configuration (after rotating cube on last step).

The following are "parity" configurations (each cube has one swapped pair of edge cubies), they are both solved the same way. The slice containing the misplaced facelets is quarter-twisted and then all four edge cubies are flipped by using Sequence 3C-E3 twice. On the second cube there is a half-twist of the front face to make the setup which is undone on the last move. This solution method evolved from discussions with Tadeáš Miler, my original way of solving is here. This method is also used for the Void Cube and Magic Cube 4D.

The above sequences misplace the centers within the slice so the following shows the additional moves to fix them. On the first cube below the last seven moves fix the centers. On the second cube moves 18-24 fix the centers (half-twist of back face moves to the end).

After the edges are solved, solve the centers to complete the solution. Use this sequence if at least three facelets match the setup. If three match then the net result will be two less misplaced facelets (otherwise four). It is ok to twist the back face to make this setup.

The following sequence fixes misplaced facelets on the front and back faces. The first five moves make the above configuration. It is ok to twist the back face to make this setup.