To visualize a 6-color cube as 3-color start by looking at the cube below where the colors on opposite faces are very close to being the same. Press the Random button and try to solve as 3-color. Gradually increase the difference between opposite colors by raising the numbers (try increments of 5 or 10).
The range on each of the above color pairs is from 0 to 100.
With all three values at 0 the cube is pure 3-color where the color of each
opposite face pair is half-way between the two colors normally shown on the
With all three values at 100 the cube is pure 6-color with the normal colors.
For everything in-between, each of the two colors within a pair is a mix of the
two original colors.
The normal colors for the Red/Orange pair are the closest together of the three
pairs, hence it is set higher than the others because it is harder to see the
difference at lower values.
The opposite is the case for the Green/Blue pair which is easier to see the
difference at lower values.