The following shows how to fix misplaced Arc Center facelets on the front and back faces. The sequence varies depending on the location of the facelets. The first (and last) move of the sequence is the slice containing the facelet on the back face. The third (and fifth) move is the slice containing the facelet on the front face (which gets relocated by the second move). It is ok to twist the back face to make the setup.
By varying the sequence as described above the Arc Centers can be solved on a cube of any dimension. The Wing Edges and X-Centers can be solved on a cube of any dimension by using the 4x4 sequences to solve each orbit separately. The +Centers can be solved on a cube of any dimension by using the 5x5 sequences to solve each orbit separately. And of course, the Corners and Central Edges can be solved on a cube of any dimension using the 3x3 sequences.