6x6 Supercube
Example Solve of Arc Centers

This sequence and its mirror-image are used in the example solve below.

The following example shows how to use the above sequence to eliminate quarter-twisted Arc Centers on all faces. In the table below the cube, "Make Setup" means to turn the cube so that there are two quarter-twisted centers in the proper locations on the front face (direction of arrows does not have to match setup). "Apply Sequence" in the table refers to the above cube on the left and "Apply Mirror Sequence" refers to the one on the right. Given the large number of moves involved, this solving method would not likely be done manually but with a cube simulator that uses macros (stored sequences).

1Make Setup
2-21Apply Sequence
22Make Setup
23-42Apply Mirror Sequence
43Move Blue face to front
44-63Apply Sequence
64-83Apply Mirror Sequence
84-85Move Black face to front and Make Setup
86-105Apply Sequence
106Make Setup
107-126Apply Mirror Sequence
127-128Move Orange face to front and Make Setup
129-148Apply Mirror Sequence
149Make Setup
150-169Apply Sequence
170-171Move Green face to front and Make Setup
172-191Apply Sequence
192Make Setup
193-212Apply Mirror Sequence
213-214Move Red face to front and Make Setup
215-234Apply Mirror Sequence
235Make Setup
236-255Apply Mirror Sequence
256-257Turn cube to Home position

To complete the solve, the following shows how to use slightly modified 5x5 sequences (both center slices turn together on 6x6 cube) and the sequences on the previous page to fix pairs of half-twisted Arc Centers. The sequences (1-3) referenced in the table are shown at the bottom of the page, press the Mirror button (center) as indicated to see the proper setup. For the first step, the 5x5 sequence is used to fix four pairs on the front face. The same sequence is used on the red face but it only fixes two pairs because only six of the eight centers match the setup, one pair remains twisted after the sequence (the pair that was not twisted before the sequence).

1-22Fix four pairs on front face (5x5)
23Move Red face to front
24-45Fix two pairs on front face (5x5)
46-47Move Red face to top, Blue to front
48-69Apply Mirror Sequence 1
70-71Move Black to front, orange to top
72-93Apply Mirror Sequence 2
94Move Green to front
95-118Apply Mirror Sequence 3
119-120Turn cube to Home position