Matching Three of Four Facelets
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In the following example (first cube) only three misplaced facelets match the setup (second cube), the blue one on the front face should be red. In these examples there are more misplaced facelets than just the ones in the setup, the others can be ignored. Press Play on the first cube to see that three misplaced facelets get fixed as a result of applying the sequence, the misplaced blue one will then be on the bottom face (red facelet on right face was not part of setup).

In the following example (first cube) three misplaced facelets match the setup (second cube). There should be a red one on the back face but the one in the setup location is yellow and will get misplaced by the sequence hence only two facelets will be fixed (as in three fixed minus one misplaced equals two fixed). For a better outcome move the blue facelet (on back face) to the setup location with a half-twist as shown by the first move, then the sequence will fix three misplaced facelets. This shows it is better to have a misplaced facelet of the wrong color in the setup than one that is not misplaced. If the blue facelet in this example was not available to make the setup then Sequence 3C-E2 could be used to fix two facelets.