Solver 2
Dist File Requirements

All options for using Solver 2 require at a minimum these four files:
Dist1_09F.dat  57 MB
Dist2_09F.dat  53 MB
Dist5_11F.dat  42 MB  new
DistP2_15F.dat  8 MB  new

Dist3 files are optional:
Dist3_10F.dat  418 MB
Dist3_10FQ.dat  835 MB

Required for the Optimal Solver:
Dist3_10FQ.dat  835 MB
Dist4_11F.dat  1827 MB (1.8 GB)

Two larger options for Dist4 are available (3.6 and 7.1 GB) to further improve performance of the Optimal Solver. The files can be generated in Linux with the programs and instructions in Due to a size limitation in the Chrome browser, the files had to be split to keep the size under 2 GB so there are actually two files for the 3.6 GB size and four files for the 7.1 GB size.

After generating, use one of the following links for the solver:
Solver with 3.5 GB Dist4
Solver with 7.1 GB Dist4
